Thursday, June 6, 2013

Anti-PLA2R Antibodies in Membranous Nephropathy: From Ming-Wei Lin

Dear All

Ming-Wei has secured approval for a validation/audit of anti-PLA2R antibodies in proven membranous nephritis. It would be great if anyone with such a patient could assist Ming-Wei
with the study by completed a brief survey and sending some blood (5 mL). Presumably the benefit includes a [timely] result(?)

Dear colleagues

We currently have local Ethics approval in Immunopathology to validate
the new anti-PLA2R ab ELISA (Euroimmun) for any biopsy proven
membranous GN. As you know, this test has been shown in several
studies to be useful in differentiating primary from secondary
membranous GN. If you do have any patients you would like us to
perform the test on, please send us 5ml of blood and a completed
questionnaire ( see attached enrolment pack). We will be grateful for
your participation in the audit.

If you have any questions about the audit, please do not hesitate to
contact my registrar, Dr Lawrence Ong, David Fulcher, Lucinda
Berglund, Roger Silvestrini, Heather Dunckley or myself. Could you
also please spread the word amongst your renal colleagues and others
whos email adds I have not included?

Thank you

Ming-Wei Lin

For copy of enrolment form, click image below, or follow this link and look under "PLA2R"