Thursday, January 31, 2013

"Anti-Biological” Assays – From Marvin Fritzler

Dear All
Further input is shared by Marv Fritzler:
Thanks for sharing your experience. I have used a similar kit but found significant levels in patients on other biologicals that had never been on infliximab.

IFNa assay, particularly on CSF (for Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome) - From Matthew Cook

Thanks to Matthew Cook for his feedback on this question. 
It's a pretty tricky assay, and not always conclusive. We can genotype TREX1 if they'd like that done.

IFNa assay, particularly on CSF (for Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome) - From Theo de Malmanche

Dear colleagues,
  Is anyone able to analyse CSF IFNa levels for our neonatologists?Thanks,

“Anti-Biological” Assays – From Chris Bundell

Hi Glenn,
I have used the Immundiagnostik kit for anti infliximab antibodies.  It is based on the same principle as the in house assay that I have ie infliximab as the coating antigen

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

HPV Protection from Gardasil in WHIM Syndrome

Hi Daman / Glenn,
Gardasil has proven clinical efficacy at preventing HPV type-specific infection and induction of high titres of neutralising type-specific and cross-type serum antibodies in a variety of populations.

Quorn Allergy - From Raymond Mullins

Dear Glenn,
I have a paediatric patient @ 10 years  who has had anaphylaxis to quorn in a vegetarian meal.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

“Anti-Biological” Assays – From Marvin Fritzler

Dear All – A question from Marvin Fritzler:
"I would be curious if anyone has tried any of the "kits" for anti-"biologicals"

Anti-Enterocyte Antibodies – Thanks for Feedback

Dear All
Although we're still no closer to finding a testing laboratory, I'm grateful to everyone who has fed back so far (Still looking for the holy grail):

Antibodies to Erythropoietin (EPO) – From David Fulcher

Dear All
Does anyone have an assay for the above?

WHIM Readings

Dear All
Visit here for WHIM readings

Monday, January 28, 2013

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Chris Bundell's Work on Infliximab Antibodies

Dear All
Let me again commend Chris for her useful work on infliximab antibodies
The reference again:

Infliximab Antibodies - From Chris Bundell

Dear All
Thanks go to Chris Bundell from PathWest for his information on availability of these antibodies, as well as some useful references (nice work!)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Infliximab Antibodies

Dear All
If anyone knows where antibodies to infliximab may be performed  I'd be grateful for feedback

Autoimmune Enteropathy - Enterocyte Antibodies

Dear All
I'd be grateful if any of our colleagues knows where we might send blood to test for anti-enterocyte antibodies,

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Specific In-Vitro IgE Testing to Opiates – From Penny Fitzharris

I believe Wellington has the "morphine" sIgE suggestive of NMBA hypersensitivity.

Specific In-Vitro IgE Testing to Opiates – From Robert Puy

HNY to all,

IgE antibodies to morphine (generally available as Phadia RAST) bind its single substituted ammonium group. They also bind neuromuscular blocking drugs at their substituted ammonium ions. The function of the test is to detect such antibodies in the investigation of anaphylaxis during general anaesthesia. Morphine itself single binding site for IgE and it cannot therefore cross-link IgE on the mast cell surface. If the clinical problem is rash or hypotension with opiates, it is likely due to a direct effect of the opiate on the mast cell and detection of IgE to morphine or other opiate would not be useful. 


Robert Puy

Specific IgE to Opiates - From Chris Bundell

PathWest QEII, Western Australia has the morphine cap for the Immunocap 250,  but we don't however have caps for the others.



Chris Bundell  PhD (UWA)

Clinical Immunology

PathWest Laboratory Medicine

QEII Medical Centre

Locked Bag 2009


Western Australia  6009


Tel:       (08) 9346 1844

Fax:      (08) 9346 3160

Factor XII Mutation testing in HAE III - From Karl Baumgart

Thanks Glenn, we do this in Sydney

Our SCI lab has been renamed Sonic Genetics but folks can email me ( above for information.

We do a real-time PCR for the described Factor XII mutation

We also can sequence if needed; we did this for all initial requests but only one mutation has been described so the RTPCR should now suffice.

We have detected two mutations in about 80 referred patients..


Karl Baumgart

Factor XII testing in HAE III - From Theo de Malmanche

Dear All

I'm grateful to Theo de Malmanche for reminding me that this assay is available through Douglass Hanly Moir (DHM)-Sonic. Perhaps Karl (Baumgart) could provide further details when he receives this email

Factor XII Mutation Testing in HAE III

Does anyone know of any labs doing Factor XII mutation testing in HAE (III)?

Many thanks

Dr Peter Davidson

Consultant Haematologist

Associate Member ASCIA

Metroplex on Gateway

Ph: 07 3121 4605 

Fax: 07 3121 4587

Mob: 0402 903 915

Specific in-vitro IgE ("RAST") testing for opiates - From Myfanwy Spellerberg

Myfanwy passes on the following enquiry:
"We have had a request from a consultant anaesthetist to provide testing for Allergy to Morphine, Codeine and Fentanyl  ( all Opiates )
In a patient with a history of bad reactions to opiates who is scheduled for THJR  
I was hoping that a RAST or similar type  test would be available.
It would appear that it is not being done in New Zealand
It would be a great help if you could check with the Immunology websites and advise if It is available elsewhere in Australasia."