Thursday, January 24, 2013

Infliximab Antibodies - From Chris Bundell

Dear All
Thanks go to Chris Bundell from PathWest for his information on availability of these antibodies, as well as some useful references (nice work!)

I have an in house research assay that I use to measure anti infliximab antibodies.  There is also a commercial kit available from Immunodiagnostik. 
Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2012 Feb 16. doi: 10.1002/ibd.22928. [Epub ahead of print]
Low trough serum infliximab and antibodies to infliximab in smokers.
Kong JY, Bundell C, Pawlik J, Hollingsworth P, Forbes G.
Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Australia.
I have compared my in house assay results with the commercial kit and have a good correlation between the two assays.
Chris Bundell  PhD (UWA)
Clinical Immunology
PathWest Laboratory Medicine
QEII Medical Centre
Locked Bag 2009
Western Australia  6009
Tel:       (08) 9346 1844
Fax:      (08) 9346 3160